WinBIBLE V5.0!!!A complete Holy Bible Windows research tool with and 800% FASTER search engine, advanced 3 level boolean search (and/or conditions), single or multiple book searches, print and print preview, 100 item quick-find index, on-line graphical help, copy and paste to other Windows Apps and user defined settings including support for the visually impaired, sound support, color coded search results, text export, printer font & margin setup. Alternate Download Site-> --------------------------------------- This software is shareware, so PLEASE copy it and give it away. I'm asking for $19.95 to help me recover the costs of developing the software, it's not much and you are helping to spread the Word of God. Ian Vink Box 72 HW RR#2 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 Canada If you can spare more than $19.95, you would be helping us teach the Word a lot! Cheers, Ian Vink P.S. Order you copy of The Golden Rule Screen Saver for Windows Today! Only $9.95. Send request to